Increasing Safety and Building Community Trust
Professional | Licensed | Trained | Highly Qualified
Marina Security Services celebrates 25 years protecting communities across California. Our experienced leaders and well-trained, diverse staff deliver high quality security services that help make our clients a positive presence in their communities. We believe that part of our success comes from recognizing that it is in the interest of the entire community for people to be safe. Serving local (and some distant) locations we assist every industry around. Because we understand that each community has its own challenges, we create location-specific safety plans.
Helping you build a safer, welcoming presence, we proactively engage with neighboring businesses, agencies, and community organizations. Collaborating with you and community stakeholders always leads to the highest-quality safety for people and property. We have always championed the cultural sensitivity needed to reach out and address the needs of diverse populations and have designed our procedures to ensure fair, inclusive treatment of each individual we come in contact with.
Why Marina Security?
Flexibility: We serve every industry around, public and private with site-specific security plans for each
Cultural Sensitivity: Diverse at all levels, we champion the openness it takes to build trusting relationships
Integrity: Known for straight-talk and customer-focus, we treat every individual with respect and empathy
Adaptability: Our customized security plans quickly adjust for challenges or needed improvement
Quick Response: <5 minutes for critical issues; <1 hour for staffing issues

Proprietary Programs:
Ensure High Quality Safety
➢ Four Pillars of Quality our core values
➢ ASPIRE™ candidate screening
➢ GUEST™ customer service training
➢ Community Ambassador Program collaborative, de-escalation focus
➢ Advanced Technology to manage, report, analyze in real time
Our Community Ambassadors:
Screened & Trained to Build Trust
We collaborate with the community and client in our custom service plans. We deliver de-escalation focused safety by recruiting, training and supporting the culturally aware staff we need. Ambassadors are the friendly, effective face of security for the future.
Our Services:
Customized for Your Needs
Developed over 23 years, Marina Security Services’ attention to detail and adherence to exacting standards deliver results that consistently exceed expectations for our clients in the greater Bay Area and across California.
Our People:
Motivated, Capable, Trained, Alert
Rigorous training and continuous professional development are key to our high quality, industry-leading security staff at Marina Security Services. Our guards are always skilled and prepared for peak performance of any assignment.
Our Technology:
The Latest Software
& Equipment
Our Marina Security Services team has experience with a wide variety of technologies, equipment, and reporting. With a walk-through, we can evaluate and make recommendations to your team.
Our Leadership:
Experienced, Versatile, Available 24/7
Our core values include building and maintaining open communications, analyzing and customizing services for your specific site and always being available when needed.